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(g)host NOtes;

“Through a process of re-verbing we return drawing (in an architectural context) to its originally intended space, a space for critical speculation.


A curious consequence of this re-verbing/re-Verb(eration) is that what comes back to us (through critical engagement with the drawing) is much like re-verb in the musical sense, somehow distorted. This is not to say that this is a negative phenomenon, (quite the opposite in fact) however it never the less needs to be acknowledged. This distortion, could be a direct consequence of our increased capacity to be critical, indeed that the process of drawing invites (re)reading and the inevitable awareness that this brings. In acknowledging that time (duration) is a fundamental condition of the drawings existence, that ideas mature, develop, flesh out, and gestate over the period in which the action of drawing takes place. The drawing becomes event rather than existing in a singular moment, this event becomes doubly important as we place ourselves closer the function of architecture.

If architectural drawing represents building and building represents architectural drawing then it follows that if architectural drawing is event, then the building it represents must also be event, or at least host to that event, and vice versa.

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